How to Host a Remote Raid Party
Download the GO Raid Genie App and create an account.
Press the "Host" button.
Set the party settings and press the "Host this Party" button.
Accept guests' friend request in Pokémon GO.
Start a raid and invite guests in Pokémon GO.
Switch to the GO Raid Genie and press the "Notify Members" button.
You are ready to raid. Switch back to Pokémon GO and enjoy your raid.
Party Settings
Raid Boss: Select the Pokémon you want to host a raid party.
Trainer Count: Select the number of trainers you want to invite to your raid party.
GYM Team: Select the team that controls the gym.
Min Level: Select the minimum trainer level of your guests. This is a premium trainer feature.
Only Premium Trainers: Let only premium GO Raid Genie trainers join your party. This is a premium trainer feature.
How to Invite More than 5 Trainers a to Remote Raid
Accept every guest's friendship request in Pokémon GO.
Send invites for the first 5 trainers.
Wait 30 seconds until the "invite" button becomes available again.
Send invites for the remaining trainers.